RAK Cards from July 2018

RAK Cards from July 2018

Welcome to the Random Act of Kindness (RAK) Blog Hop. You are visiting Tatiana in Australia. I am showcasing the cards I have  received as part of the Random Act of Kindness Group on Facebook.

Each month, we each select a few people from the Group to send a RAK card to, to brighten their day. Please feel free to join the Group if you would like to participate in the RAK cards movement (blogging is not mandatory). If you would like to join our awesome group here is the link to the group – Random Acts of Kindness Facebook Group  #imbringingRAKcardsback #makeacardsendacard #randomactsofkindness

I feel so blessed to have received so many gorgeous cards with such beautiful messages inside. Each time they brought me so much joy. I love displaying them around my home for a while to extended the smiles. These are the cards I have received:

RAK Card from Melinda Brown RAK Card from Monique Verhaar RAK Card from Laura Buechler RAK Card from Bonnie Sanche RAK Card from Sandra Beetham RAK Card from Heather Brekken RAK Card from Cheryl Algie RAK Card from Jessica Hart RAK Card from Maggie Griffin

July was a crazy month with the kids home from school holidays, so I didn’t get a chance to send any cards out. This makes receiving so many such a grateful blessing even more! The kindness of this group with no expectations is just incredible!

To see more wonderful RAK cards, please hop along and check out these wonderful blog posts:

Happy Stamping Adventures,

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  1. You definitely felt the RAK love during July – beautiful creations!!! Sure hope that your kids got to join in on some of your excitement about receiving so many paper hugs! It’s a pleasure hopping again with you this month! (((HUGS))) across the waters xx

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