Creativity is something I need like air, food, and water. I thrive on it and I cannot live without it. It is a part of me. As a stay at home mother I needed to find a way to continue developing my creativity but still be there for my family. Joining Stampin’ Up!® as an Independent Demonstrator has changed my life in a way I could not even imagined.

My name is Tatiana and I joined Stampin’ Up!® as an Independent Demonstrator in January 2017. I knew of Stampin’ Up! since 2009 but knew if I purchased even a single stamp I would not be able to stop there. Over the eight years that I avoided what was always to be my future I looked at stamps in stores but was never happy with their designs. Over the years my husband has often said I should make cards. I laughed at him because I didn’t consider myself a card maker. Though it wasn’t a terrible idea as hubby has 7 siblings and we attend many birthday celebrations. Fast forward to October 2016 and my brother-in-law asks me to make a card for my mother-in-laws birthday. At the time I had only made cross stitched cards and two days notice wasn’t enough. That was when I found a class to attend and decided to join to get a discount. After joining I was inspired and quickly started a blog and fell in love with sharing.
My husband and I now live in Port Macquarie, NSW with our two children – 13 year Little Man and 11 year old Little Miss. Life keeps us busy and I love being there for my kids – attending school functions, helping with reading in the class room and picking them up every day from school.
Stamping Adventure Highlights:
- Having lunch with CEO of Stampin’ Up! Sara Douglass in April 2018.
- The amazing friendships I have made not just here in Australia but across the world. It is really amazing how technology can connect us.
- Attending OnStage is always an amazing experience. In April 2019 I had the opportunity to travel to Auckland for OnStage and there I had the opportunity to meet co-founder of Stampin’ Up! Shelli Gardner. The part that blew me away at that OnStage was that Sara remembered me from the previous year and introduced me to her mum (Shelli) explaining we had lunch together!
- Presenting at OnStage@Home November 2020. It was an amazing experience to have it recorded and then shown to ALL attending demonstrators across the globe!!!
- Being part of the Artisan Design Team 2021 – a real dream come true!
My goal is to inspire creativity because I believe it changes the world. I am aways up for a chat about Stampin’ Up! and my whole face lights up during that conversation. Feel free to contact me to learn more or just to say hi!
You can email me at
Find me on Facebook @TatianaCreativeStampingAdventure
Follow me on Instagram @TatianaCreative
Or watch my crafting sessions on YouTube @TatianaCreative